Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast #1 Dan Ghitza from Zarzilla Games

#Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast | 3 by Abulfaz Ahmadov on Mar 07

Building a Gaming Empire with Passion and Purpose

We are happy to launch our first episode of Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast, where we discuss different stories of interesting people from the industry. In this Episode, Abulfaz has discussed with Dan Ghitza, the CEO of Zarzilla Games the industry of Social Card Games.

In the dynamic world of gaming, where creativity meets technology, few leaders stand out as boldly as Dan Ghitza, the visionary CEO of Zarzilla. In our recent podcast episode, we had the privilege of diving deep into Dan’s journey, exploring the secrets behind Zarzilla’s success, and uncovering the essence of building a gaming empire.

Dan Ghitza, Zarzilla Games

Dan Ghitza, Zarzilla Games CEO

Here are the key points from the podcast:

1. Dan Ghitza: As the CEO of ZARZILLA, Dan brings a wealth of experience and insights into the gaming industry.

2. Business Building: Dan delves deep into the intricacies of building a successful gaming company. He shares valuable lessons on creating a brand and emphasizes the importance of having fun in whatever you do.

3. ZARZILLA: The gaming company led by Dan has achieved remarkable success, and his vision for the brand is inspiring.


As we wrap up our podcast episode, one thing is clear: Dan’s approach to business is refreshingly different. He reminds us that success isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the thrill of creation, the joy of play, and the magic of connecting with gamers worldwide.

Please enjoy the podcast!

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