Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast #4 Claudio Paolicelli from GoBubble

#Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast | 3 by Abulfaz Ahmadov on Mar 27

GoBubble: Analyzing and understanding the emotional data in your community

Our 4th episode of Mindecs Tech Careers Podcast is about how Claudio Paolicelli and the team of GoBubble created a product that helps organizations and communities make better decisions, by understanding and distilling the emotional data in the community. Claudio told us about perspectives of Generative AI, the products they build, and how you can benefit from understanding the sentiment.

This podcast is also interesting thanks to our guest’s rich experience in building development teams and delivering products in different industries like gaming, generative AI, and others.

Here are some key takeaways from the podcast featuring Claudio Paolicelli:

1. Diverse Expertise: Claudio has a diverse background spanning the e-commerce/marketplace, banking, social, gaming, and AI sectors. His experience allows him to approach product development with a comprehensive and quality-focused mindset.

2. Leadership and Team Management: We discussed what our guest expects from people and what the Engineering Manager/CTO is about in the job. How to switch from an Engineering role to Engineering Manager Role.

3. Potential openings and opportunities: Claudio has announced some potential openings they might have in the future. Also, he revealed what should people do to stay competitive in modern market.



The episode is full of insights into different interesting topics for tech professionals. Starting with how the company tries to make communities safer and wisely use the data and up to Claudio’s rich experience of finding a good job, staying competitive in job market and how he builds his  teams.

Enjoy the podcast!

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